My little Benjamin,
You have been gone now for 3 months. Sometimes it feels like an eternity, and sometimes I can still imagine you are kicking me, letting me know you are there.
Life has changed so much since we lost you. Your brothers speak of you often. They attended a bereavement camp for children who have lost family members. I think it really helped them to know that they are not the only ones who miss someone, and it's ok to cry. They had a lovely memorial service for you and all of the other missing family members. Daddy and I cried so hard.
Your brothers have been amazing trying to help me through my grief. I am so proud of them. Cris recognizes when I am feeling sad and is always there to give me a hug. Tony has been a little more reserved which is normal for him, but he's always right there when I need some support. Alex seems so old sometimes at his 5 years of age, if he sees me crying he automatically assumes it is "because of Ben" and gives me a hug.
These are some things your brothers have written to or about you:
From Cris (11 years old)Dear BJ What is heaven like? Is it shiny?!? I hope we'll see each other some day, I'll bring a soccer ball. Is heaven like earth? But on clouds and no bad people? Tell Grandma Marcie I said Hi! Ok here's a little phrase I heard from a man named Nick Vujicic: don't give up on God and God will not give up on you!!PS: Tell God I said hi!From:Your Brother CrisFrom Alex (5 years old) a song he made at bereavement camp sung to the tune of You are My SunshinePeek a boo Benjamin I love youYour older brother AlexWishing to ride bikes with youPlay on swings in the park and let you win all the board gamesI would feed you and rock you but never change a diaper-mom can do thatWhen you fall I'll give you a band-aid cause I'll love you forever.We miss you and love youLove,